Garden railway upgrade LEGO train 60051 around the pond
The LEGO City train 60051 rushes trough the forest and passes the pond at incredible speed after racing trough the 2.5 meter tunnel! The tricky descending slope is nerve wrecking!
The 2.5 meter (8foot) tunnel is buried under approximately 20cm(0.6 foot) of soil and passes under the oval track around the pond.
LEGO trains in the garden
LEGO 60051 garden railway around the pond (2)
This outdoor Garden railway is an improvement of the previously build track. It runs all around the pond, trough the forest and features a 2.5 meter long underground tunnel.
LEGO train tunnel
8 foot lego train tunnel
This 2.5 meter (8foot) tunnel is buried under approximately 20cm(0.6 foot) of soil and passes under the oval track around the pond.
Crashes LEGO garden railway around the pond
As you can see here it's not as simple as it looks to make the legotrain drive! Watch the cutouts of the garden railway here!