The Hamster Compound #001 Kickoff

 The Hamster Compound #002 Exploration

 The Hamster Compound #003 Caught redhanded

 The Hamster Compound #004 Spiral staircase

 The Hamster Compound #005 Stuck

 The Hamster Compound #006 The tube

 The Hamster Compound #007 Soup

 The Hamster Compound #008 Distributing food

 The Hamster Compound #009 Season Finale

 LEGO and... Hamsters?

The Hamster Compound is one of my side projects which was recorded a few years ago. Finally I was able to share the end result which took months of work preparation, an eye injury, weeks of recording, terabytes of data and many many kilowatts of power.

Hamsters are only active a few hours a day in the early morning. That's why it took so long to get the footage necessary to create this series. 3 Feeds were recorded simultaneously on hard-drives using computers and hard-disk recorders which made switching camera angles afterwards in editing  possible. The whole technical setup was a challenge itself because of the many camera feeds available. Normal consumer equipment isn't capable of handling this many feeds so a lot of creativity was required to achieve this while keeping the already bursting budget in mind.

A corridor of cables ran trough the house from the studio to the control room from where everything was monitored and controlled, the pan tilt camera's but also the custom built LEGO rigs on rails; one in front of the cage and one next to the spiral staircase.

This project was shot long before actioncamera's like gopro existed. Therefore some of the footage may be low in quality because the whole setup was initially analog.